Friday, June 15, 2007

Water Dogs (Niki Up Date)

Last few days finds Nik-Nak very stiff and weak. We still have not found a pool so rather then wait Mike made a trip to Target and picked up two kiddie pools (not sure how long they will last even though the dogs nails are short....easy to puncture a hole).
First thing this morning filled it up and started introducing her to it.
She sure did think it was an evil....refused to go near it. In the end, she is such a chow hound and will work for food. I of course managed to photograph the process....take a few minutes to sit back and enjoy ;-)
Hopefully we can get her to feeling better, and help her to regain her strength once again....keep your fingers crossed for her!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007


This is the Golden look for "Who Me???"

Day Lilies in bloom...

Despite the drought I still have a few lovely day lilies to enjoy and photograph.

I also have a few blooms on the Hosta plant.

Friday, June 8, 2007


This is Michael with one of his best friends....Mikey. Mikey died a few years back, he was a rescue that was sent to me for evaluation...a bit on the aggressive side. During his time with us he turned into the dog that he should have always been....very sweet....loving.
This image was taken at the house we rented on the beach....I was actually a distance a way on the balcony....I pushed the lenses limit....then did a bit of work to it in other words....not the best photograph....but of my most favorite. These two just adored one another and it so shows. Boy....we sure do miss our Mikey!
To those of you that do not make use of your will always have your memories, but to have a photograph...well what a smile it brings to my face. To capture a moment that just might have been forgotten...priceless!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The "Pack"

Rocky's first year went by way too quickly!

Nik-Naks most FAV toy!

Look at those ears....focused on Niki!

Phoenie, Gem Nik and Rocky....they posed themselves!

As you can see in the photo's Niki is not in her cart...still "wobbly" in the hind area, but the cart is used for those days when she seems very weak. I give her as much freedom as she can handle. In the house the play pen has been boxed up and put up, she runs free in the house and is very good at "Go to your Bed" which is her safe zone for when the goldens get a littel frisky, or when I am cleaning....not safe for her to be wandering around when I am busy (I could trip over her and hurt her).Still, not much improvement in the last couple of months, still I am very pleased with what she can do.

I have been looking at pools and hope by the end of the month we will be doing our physical therapy at home. I have been wondering about the pool for I have never had one yard is always so full of wildlife because of the wooded area behind us....will I be finding animals in the pool...just a thought I had....really do not want to find "dead" critters :-(

Saturday, June 2, 2007

The "Mart"

Just a few new items in at the "Mart"....if in the Atlanta area please stop by and visit with us. We are in the McDonough Peachtree Peddlers Mart every weekend. Drop off your photographs so Dee can create a lovely Painted Portrait for you, or set up a photography session.
We have original canvas prints for sale, 11x14 art prints, night lights , chimes and sport dog beds (my four dogs have given the "Paws" up on these...Baseball, Football and Soccer) can also order your furry friends dog food at the booth. Flint River Ranch food is one of the best higher end dog foods (all ingredients are US grown).
Please know we ship all items sold.
Come by and say Hi!